We have more than 20 years of experience in conducting high level training courses for geoscientists working in academic and applied industry. Our courses use the last innovative technologies to assure a comprehensive training process on different topics related to the understanding of hydrocarbon reservoirs.

A new gate to a comprehensive learning experience
During recent years, the increasing technological advances provided exciting new tools to access to a new immersive training experience. In our courses, we have successfully integrated 3D outcrop models, 360 photographs, stratigraphic sections, well-logs and seismic with on-site explanations, old-style designs and drawings, and online discussions. Our services include traditional field trips, immersive virtual field courses, in-house courses, and custom courses.
Virtual Field Trips
Attempting to adapt to the new circumstances created by the pandemic, we have developed a new platform for delivering virtual fieldtrips.
Traditional Field Trips
Come with us! There are many field courses we can offer in Argentina, Venezuela, Pyrinees, etc.
In House Courses
Theoretical and practical courses of specific issues
Custom Courses
We customize specific course for your working team or company.